
Visiting Assistant Professor of French, (Williams College, Massachusetts, USA)


The Romance Languages Department at Williams College seeks to appoint a one-year Visiting Assistant Professor of French, beginning July 1, 2018, with the possibility of extending the term for a second year. Specialization is open, and Ph.D. in hand by September 1, 2018 preferred. Excellent training and experience in teaching French language (at the beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels) and in teaching literature and culture courses (in the candidate’s specialization) are essential, as is a rigorous scholarly agenda. The teaching load is 2-2. The French program is especially interested in candidates who are enthusiastic about contributing to the rich and diverse intellectual life of a campus made up of colleagues and students from widely varying backgrounds. Individuals from groups that are underrepresented in academia are particularly encouraged to apply. Applications are due no later than April 30, 2018 (at 5PM) and must include a cover letter, CV, and three letters of recommendation, at least one of which addresses the candidate’s promise as a teacher. Optionally, candidates may also submit one syllabus from a particularly engaging course that they designed and taught in French language or French or Francophone literature or cultures. All materials should be addressed to Jennifer French, Chair of Romance Languages, and must be submitted through Interfolio at https://apply.interfolio.com/50148 Email and paper applications will not be accepted. The search committee plans to conduct Skype interviews with 6-8 semi-finalistsin early May. During the 30-minute interview, candidates will be asked to discuss: their teaching of beginning, intermediate, and advanced French language; their teaching of literature and culture courses they have offered and hope to offer at Williams; and their research agenda. The interviews will be conducted in English and French. Candidates should also be prepared to elaborate on their approaches to working with students and colleagues from diverse backgrounds. The search committee hopes to make an offer in mid-May, before the end of the spring semester. All offers of employment are contingent upon completion of a background check. Further information is available here: http://dean-faculty.williams.edu/prospective-faculty/background-check-policy/ . Williams College is a coeducational liberal arts institution located in the Berkshire Hills of western Massachusetts.The college has built its reputation on outstanding teaching and scholarship and on the academic excellence of its approximately 2,000 students. Beyond meeting fully its legal obligations for non-discrimination, Williams College is committed to building a diverse and inclusive community where members from all backgrounds can live, learn, and thrive. Please visit the Williams College website ( http://www.williams.edu ).


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