
Business Day

Business Day

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AI search war: Bing vs Google

Business Day 

On Wednesday, January 8, 2023, Bing, a search engine developed by Microsoft in 2009 jumped to the second most productive mobile app in the world following an announcement by Microsoft that a new version of the search app would be powered by an upgraded version of the same AI technology that underpins ChatGPT. The new […]

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Nnamani condemns Ayu-led PDP for expelling him, calls decision null

Business Day 

Chimaroke Nnamani, a former governor of Enugu State, has described his expulsion from the Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP) as null, insisting that he still remains a bonafide member of the party. The PDP’s National Working Committee (NWC) expelled him and a few others on Friday for anti-party activities. Hours after the move, the senator representing […]

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Kwankwaso expresses confidence in INEC’s preparedness ahead of election

Business Day 

Rabiu Kwankwaso, the presidential candidate of the New Nigerian Political Party (NNPP), has expressed confidence in the ability and capability of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to conduct free, fair, and credible elections on February 25 and March 11. He based his belief on the improvements witnessed at the gubernatorial elections in Ekiti State, […]

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Split in APC, PDP weakens push for victory on February 25

Business Day 

Deep divisions in Nigeria’s two main parties have burst open with just two weeks to the presidential election, making it tougher for their candidates to get the broad nationwide support needed to winaccording to a report by SEMAFOR an online medium. The ruling All Progressive Congress (APC) and the main opposition People’s Democratic Party (PDP) […]

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How to give your brand a health check and catch problems early

Business Day 

Regular check-ups are a good health practice for ourselves, but just as important for brands. Here are a few equivalents to temperature, pulse and blood pressure that can monitor how your brand is performing and catch developing problems early. Most can be self-administered without in-depth studies if applied with diligence. Social listening between the lines. […]

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Interview with Yorm Ama Abledu

Business Day 

Yorm Ama Abledu is a Ghanaian lawyer with six years’ experience. She is a legal academic at the University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA Law School) and a senior international attorney at Centurion Law Group, a Harvard-certified negotiator firm with significant expertise that cuts across diverse sectors such as project finance, infrastructure development, tax, real […]

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Chef Vee: Providing innovative culinary experience in hospitality industry

Business Day 

Chef Vee, an entrepreneur, restaurant consultant and one of Nigeria’s finest culinary experts is passionate about providing innovative solutions in the hospitality industry. Chef Vee’s goal is to help key stakeholders in the hospitality business build and maintain relevance through reinventing themselves, and ensuring that their customers enjoy a consistent wholesome experience whenever they walk […]

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TECNO’s Trailblazing PHANTOM X2 Pro 5G wins gold at the International Design Awards 2022

Business Day 

The recently showcased flagship product of TECNO PHANTOM X2 Pro 5G, astonished at the International Design Awards 2022, winning a Gold and a Bronze for its sustainable design. TECNO, an innovative technology brand with operations in over 70 markets globally, continues to rack up more accolades as the 16th annual International Design Awards (IDA for […]

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Спорт в России и мире

Прием заявок на участие в конкурсе на лучшее путешествие по Дальнему Востоку начнется в мае


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Рыбакина призналась, что её жизнь сильно изменилась после победы на Уимблдоне


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Экология в России и мире

Швеция хочет ограничить доступ в Балтийское море российским танкерам

Путин в России и мире

Путин 22 апреля проведет в Москве переговоры с президентом Азербайджана Алиевым

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Очередные кадровые назначения объявлены в Минске

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Михаил Плетнёв

Как добрый мим Михаил Плетнев открывает «Дверь в Тверь»


В Раменском прошел финальный отбор на всероссийский турнир по бадминтону

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