
Dill Mill Gayye fame Pankit Thakker talks about colleagues from TV industry getting lost in the world of drugs, unnecessary romantic affairs [EXCLUSIVE]


Dill Mill Gayye fame Pankit Thakker recently got candid about his journey as an actor, failures, unnecessary romantic affairs and more.

Actor Pankit Thakker who is currently essaying the role of Kunwar Sa in the TV show Janam Janam Ka Saath, reveals that he always looks at the kind of roles he enjoys acting for instead of running behind making money. He says, "As an actor in the film industry, I have seen success and failure up close and personal. It's an industry that can make you feel like a king one day and a pauper the next. But that's the nature of the business here, and I love it anyways. Success is a coveted thing in the showbiz industry. It's something that all of us chase after. But success is not just about being a famous actor or making a lot of money. Success is about finding happiness in what we do. It's about being satisfied with our work and the impact it has on our audience. That's what truly matters."

Pankit made his acting debut in Ekta Kapoor's popular show, Kabhii Sautan Kabhii Sahelii, back in 2001 essaying the lead role of Harsh, romancing beautiful TV diva Anita Hassanandani and Urvashi Dholakia. He continued to mention how many of his actor friends lost their careers and success to drugs and time pass affairs.

Pankit Thakker talks about failure and more

He added, "I've faced failure in my career, and believe me, it's not easy to deal with it. But I've learned that failure is not the end of the world. It's an opportunity to learn and grow. In fact, some of my biggest failures have led to my biggest successes. One of the biggest lures in the industry is drugs. They may provide temporary relief, but they also take away your drive, motivation, and discipline. I've seen many of my colleagues get lost in the world of drugs, and it's a path that leads nowhere but darkness. Another major lure in the industry is the temptation of women. It's a dangerous game to play. Women are not objects, they are human beings. I've seen many of my colleagues fall into this trap and lose everything they've worked for or earned. It's important to remember that respect and integrity are essential in any business."

Pankit shares, positive attitude is must to find success. "The film industry is a fake and fragile world, and it's easy to get lost in its illusion. That's why it's crucial to have a strong support system, and for me, that's my family. They keep me grounded and remind me of what truly matters in life. Without them, I wouldn't have made it this far. In conclusion, success in the film industry is not just about fame and fortune. It's about finding happiness in what you do, learning from your failures, avoiding the lures of drugs and women, and staying grounded with the love and support of your family. With hard work, dedication, and a positive attitude, anything is possible," he concluded.

Pankit is known for featuring in shows like Bohot Pyaar Karte Hai, Aapki Nazron Ne Samjha, Bahu Hamari Rajni Kant, Dill Mill Gayye among others.


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