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Buy Stylish & Trendy Glass Mobile Covers Starting at Rs.429 - Shutcone

Buy Stylish & Trendy Glass Mobile Covers Starting at Rs.429 - Shutcone


Mobile phones have become a very important part of our lives today. With mobile phones being with us at all times and at all places, the look and style of it also matters now. A mobile cover is a must have accessory that helps one express themselves. People want the best and the latest phone covers for their smartphones. We at Shutcone are here to provide exactly that with our huge range of phone cases and mobile back cover. Our mobile cover is made of top quality materials and is available in the most trending designs which you won’t find anywhere else.

We understand your needs and regularly come up with new designs every month. We have mobile phone cover categories for everyone which are sure to catch people’s attention.


Mobile covers and cases manufactured by us are made up of polycarbonate, which is an impact resistant and durable hard plastic material. Along with its durability, the case also gives a stylish and appealing look to your mobile phone.

The premium quality of the phone back cover ensures that your phones are completely protected against dust, scratches and accidental damages & drops. This way you get to keep your phone safe. And for the style quotient aspect, our range of back cover for phone boasts of humongous collection of designs that strive to cater to maximum number of people and their tastes. Over 150+ devices including mobile cases and covers for Apple, Samsung, Vivo, Oppo, Xiaomi, OnePlus, Motorola, Lenovo, Google and Huawei devices are available with us in over 120+ designs.

Art and Graphic prints – Designs like Colour Splash, Red & White Florals, White Bloom, Dusk etc. will help you show your creative style.

Get High prints – Because fashion is all about freedom to have what you like; this is special treat for our fans that like the high life and high style. While this category contains some of our and your favourite prints like Cigarette Or Dost, Alcohol Kills Weed Chills, Relax A Little, Don’t Panic It’s Organic, Smoke & Fly and more that we have specially designed for phone back cover on popular demand from our customers. So like they say, flaunt it with style, because there are no judgements on fashion.

Dream catcher mobile cover designs – Be sure to catch your dreams with our exclusive DreamCatcher mobile case and cover edition! These copyrighted and unique designs are sure to give an attractive and appealing look to your mobile phone and grab everyone’s attention. Designs like Blissful Blue, Fairy Floss, Dream Away, Half moon, Wild Wings are very popular among our female fans.

Profession mobile cover designs – Let passion drive your profession and be sure to flaunt it! With our profession category mobile covers you can easily flaunt your passion. We have designs for your profession. Our mobile case designs for engineering students, doctors, actors, teachers, artists, singers, gym trainers and lawyers are eye catching and are sure to grab everyone’s attention. So if you are an engineer, doctor, artist, singer, lawyer, gym trainer or a teacher be sure to check out the collection today!

Pets mobile cover designs – Our pets mobile case category is specially made keeping all the pet lovers in mind. You can now flaunt your love for dogs, cats, etc. This category includes some really cute and appealing designs like Live Love Woof, Meow, Oh My Puggness, Paws, Love Has No Language, etc.

Quotes and Photography mobile covers designs – We have said time and again that everything is said better with prints, which is why we have all these amazing and expressive prints that we keep bringing you with constant innovation, to make fashion an expression of your personality. Since every accessory contributes to your overall style, we realized that we had to do the same with phone covers. Hence we bring you some of exclusive, cool and trendy designs like Papa Kehte Hai, Reading is Dreaming, Bajrangbali, Tu Khush Toh Main Khush, etc. And some that are exclusively for funky phone covers, that’ll highlight your spirit and style.


We were among the top five companies to bring 3D mobile cover printing technology in India, in the year 2013. We have printed mobile cases and covers for numerous customers and companies. Our USP for all of our products particularly graphics and designs like the ones you see in the mobile back cover and phone cases collection is innovation, we constantly strive to create a versatile range to satisfy and cater to a diverse span of fans. Our state-of-the-art infrastructure facility is equipped with the latest technology required to create a range of products as per the client’s specifications without compromising on quality. And since the designs, the case cover, the printing all happen in house, there is no compromise on the product in any manner! Our self-manufacturing and no middlemen approach helps us get you the best of the both worlds, that is impeccable quality and affordable prices. All of our prints on the online shopping mobile cover are HD quality with a matte finish that makes it good looking and long lasting.


With the extensive and ever growing smartphone market, we make sure our stylish and printed mobile back cover catalogue grows with it. Cases and covers for phone brands like Apple, Samsung, Xiaomi, OnePlus, Motorola, Asus, Google, Honor, Vivo, Oppo and more will can be found on our website. Therefore, if its your existing smartphone or the latest in town, we got you covered! We also sell on Flipkart. Covers and cases collection is innovation, we constantly strive to create a versatile range to satisfy and cater to a diverse span of fans.


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