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Eco friendly biodegradable tableware

Biodegradable disposable tableware will be used more and more frequently. soup paper cup In the 21st century, disposable tableware has brought convenience to people's life, especially with the development of the food delivery industry, the number of disposable tableware consumption has surged. Worldwide, the world consumes about 16 billion single-use coffee cups a year and throws away 1 billion plastic straws a day, a huge amount of consumption that sends about 8 million tons of plastic waste into cornstarch cup the ocean each year, which conservatively takes 450 years to degrade.With the requirements of the current global ban plastic and limit plastic, biodegradable will become the inevitable trend in the future. Now, the common ways of  plastic processing are still burning cremation, resulting in a large number of greenhouse gases into the air. On the contrary, disposable degradable lunch box is buried in the soil degradation, the carbon dioxide directly into the soil organic matter or is absorbed by plants, not into the air, No greenhouse effect.cornstarch tableware Today, let's take a look at the common types of disposable, biodegradable meal boxes.cornstarch plate

1.Paper pulp molded tableware (Plant fiber molded tableware)

Paper pulp molding tableware products in the plastic on the road to have certain advantages,paper cup tray first in terms of raw materials, paper pulp molding disposable lunch box plants such as wheat straw, sugarcane fiber as raw material, don't add any PP material, through molded pulp wet compression molding process, waterproof and oil food grade additives is added in the pulp, achieve the effect of hot and cold food.Vegetable fiber degradable lunch box is the most active type of lunch box in the market at present. Take Hainan Province, which took the lead in banning plastic, for example, hainan province has completely banned the use, circulation, sale and storage of plastic tableware.french fries cup Pulp moulded tableware is undoubtedly the ideal alternative to plastic.Sugarcane pulp disposable lunch box belongs to the fully degradable type of lunch box, which can be completely degraded into organic matter in 90 days under the condition of industrial composting or home composting, and return to nature.

2.Cornstarch based tableware

Corn starch degradable meal box is made of natural corn starch and plant fiber as the base material, supplemented by biological polyester, polyols and other materials processing.Corn starch meal box in

the soil and natural environment can be naturally degraded,popcorn paper cup degradation rate according to the composition of meal box can reach 60%-80%, to a certain extent, can replace plastic products, reduce the white pollution to the environment.sugarcane cup It is an ideal substitute for the widely used but controversial "sterilized tableware" in the catering market.


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