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Mayor Bowser Invites Residents to Celebrate Women’s History Month

Wednesday, March 8, 2023
Residents Encouraged to Attend Women’s Policy Bootcamp, Wage Negotiation Training, Well Women Wednesday, ASL Poetry Slam, and More

(Washington, DC) – Today, on International Women’s Day, Mayor Muriel Bowser and the Mayor’s Office on Women’s Policy and Initiatives (MOWPI) are inviting residents to celebrate Women’s History Month at events happening throughout March. The upcoming events include ways for women in DC to get involved in physical health and wellness, a policy bootcamp to learn about advocacy and running for office, a training on how to build better confidence when it comes to negotiating wages, an American Sign Language (ASL) poetry slam night to celebrate and honor women’s legacies, community clean up with girl scouts, a public safety showcase to honor women who keep DC safe, and an awards ceremony to honor influential women in DC.

“Every day, across all eight wards, women and girls are winning for Washington, DC,” said Mayor Bowser. “This month and every month we celebrate the women and girls of DC. From the thousands of women in DC Government who go above and beyond for our city, to the students who make us proud in schools across DC, including at our fantastic all-girls Excel Academy, and all the women and girls who lead in our community every day — in government, in families and faith communities, at work and in schools, on sports teams and in so many other ways.”

Residents can attend any of the following events:

Sheroes: Stories of Service: Join MOWPI and Serve DC for an event dedicated to amplifying the stories of women who have led civic engagement initiatives in DC. The discussion and Q&A session will feature leading women in public safety, public health, youth development, and business community.

When: Thursday, March 9 @ 6 pm

Where: The National Union Building (918 F Street NW)

Register HERE

Women Wednesday- Soca & Sweat: Join MOWPI for a quarterly series on physical health and wellness and learn more about resources offered through other District programs for engaging in physical activity.

When: Wednesday, March 15 @ 6 pm

Where: Emery Recreation Center (5701 Georgia Ave NW)

Register HERE

#BeTheMovement Policy Bootcamp: Join MOWPI, in partnership with the DC Commission for Women, for a policy bootcamp day to learn about advocacy, running for office, civic engagement, and improving communities.

When: Saturday, March 18 @ 9 am

Where: The George Washington University Student Center (800 21st Street NW)

Register HERE

Women Worksmart Wage Negotiation Training: Join MOWPI, in partnership with the American Association of University Women, for an information session about researching target salaries, highlighting accomplishments, and building confidence to negotiate better benefits and pay.

When: Tuesday, March 21 @ 6 pm

Where: American Association of University Women Headquarters (1310 L Street NW, Suite 1000)

Register HERE

Women’s Herstory Day of Service Community Clean Up: Join MOWPI and the Mayor’s Office of the Clean City to participate in a community clean up with over 50 girl scout troops.

When: Sunday, March 26 @ 1 pm

Where: Fletcher Johnson Educational Campus (4650 Benning Road SE)

Public Safety Showcase: Celebrating the Women of DC Government Keeping Our City Safe: Join MOWPI and the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Public Safety and Justice to celebrate and meet the women of DC’s public safety and justice agencies that help to keep the city safe, and learn about employment opportunities.

When: Saturday, March 25 @ 1 pm

Where: DC Fire and EMS Training Academy (4600 Shepherd Parkway SW)

Mayor’s Office of Deaf, Deafblind, and Hard of Hearing Poetry Slam: Join MODDHH, MOWPI, and the Mayor’s Office of Nightlife and Culture for an event to celebrate and honor women’s legacies titled, “Deaf Women Who Tell Stories: ASL Poetry Night.”

When: Friday, March 31 @ 9 pm

Where: Busboys and Poets (450 K Street NW)

Register HERE

Washington Women of Excellence Awards: Join Mayor Bowser during an awards ceremony to honor influential women who have made significant contributions towards enriching the lives of women and families in DC.

When: Thursday, March 30 @ 6 pm

Where: Hotel Zena (1155 14th St NW)

Register HERE

“We are the voices of women in the District and all over the world,” said Jackie Reyes-Yanes, Director of the Mayor’s Office of Community Affairs. “Not only this month, but every day, it is important for us to tell our stories representing our diversity and experiences, especially because we come from all walks of life.”

Learn more about upcoming Women’s History Month events HERE.


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