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Top-10 best crypto exchanges 2022


crypto exchange

A cryptocurrency exchange is a trading platform where virtual currency assets are traded. These platforms allow to trade various cryptocurrencies. They provide users with the opportunity to buy and sell digital money, exchange it, convert it into fiat (state) currencies, invest and do other market operations. There are hundreds of such trading platforms around the … Читать дальше Top-10 best crypto exchanges 2022

The post Top-10 best crypto exchanges 2022 first appeared on cryptos.tv.

crypto exchange

A cryptocurrency exchange is a trading platform where virtual currency assets are traded. These platforms allow to trade various cryptocurrencies. They provide users with the opportunity to buy and sell digital money, exchange it, convert it into fiat (state) currencies, invest and do other market operations.

There are hundreds of such trading platforms around the world. Therefore, it is difficult for a novice trader to choose a reliable company. The rating of crypto exchanges will help to do this. It includes top cryptocurrency exchanges that have established themselves as reliable and trustworthy platforms. Find more information about reliable platforms for crypto trading on TGDRatings.com

We have prepared for you the list of 10 best crypto exchanges 2022

Crypto Exchanges
image: coindecimal.com

You have a chance to know more about the most popular trading platforms and their advantages that maybe will help you make a right choice in future.


  • Huge selection of currency pairs and markets;
    Support for margin trading in various areas;
    The presence of a p2p trading section;
    Large leverage for futures transactions;
    Loyalty program and referral program;
    Own mining pool;
    Mobile app;
    Options for investment.


  • Simple trading menu interface for both spot and margin trading;
    Support for a large number of currencies and their pairs: crypto, fiat and combined;
    Availability of trading in shares and quotations of non-economic events;
    Flexible user interface settings;
    Low commission fees for transactions, that can be further reduced as part of the loyalty program;
    Large trading volumes on the platform;
    Availability of convenient applications for mobile devices;
    The ability to quickly withdraw of money;
    Extensive technical assistance section.


  • Trading engine with up to 100k TPS ensures fast transactions with virtually zero chance of failure;
    Double price mechanism protection against unfair position liquidation;
    HD Cold Wallet securely stores funds offline;
    Over 200 assets and contracts;
    BYFI Center and ByBit services for investments and NFT purchases, respectively;
    24/7 support in 12 languages, including Russian;
    Convenient mobile applications for Android and iOS;
    Attractive bonus policy.


  • Simple verification procedure;
    The ability to perform certain transactions without verifying your identity;
    A wide range of trading types and additional services;
    Relatively low commissions with a flexible accrual system;
    The presence of a variety of training materials – both text and video;
    Availability of apps for mobile and desktop devices.


  • Large selection of trading options and passive income;
    Convenient and safe service for both PC users and device owners;
    Easy deposits and fast withdrawals;
    Hundreds of trading assets – currency pairs, perpetual and futures contracts;
    Loans and NFT trading available;
    Moderate commissions, often with discounts;
    Free Visa cards with cashback;
    The possibility of earning through the referral program and other bonuses.


  • A large number of traded cryptocurrencies;
    Guarantees for users who store cryptocurrencies on system wallets;
    Availability of a referral program;
    Possibility of issuing a physical debit card;
    24/7 customer support;
    Ease of buying cryptocurrencies and withdrawing funds;
    Availability of a convenient mobile application for different operating systems.


  • Low commissions;
    Ability to use fiat;
    Large selection of tokens;
    Ability to connect bots;
    Presence of special statuses.


  • Large selection of products;
    Good faith;
    Quick withdrawal;
    Good selection of trading pairs;
    Constant development.


  • Fees for deposit and withdrawal;
    Optional verification;
    Cloud mining service.


  • Convenient interface for beginners and professionals;
    Over 400 trading pairs;
    Simple registration, replenishment, withdrawal and exchange;
    Low trading commissions;
    Favorable conditions of staking and referral program;
    All key options are available in the mobile application;
    Fast deal making;
    Good level of security;
    Interesting additional services.
top crypto
image: top-crypto

When making the rating of the most popular and reliable crypto exchanges, experts take into consideration a large number of characteristics of the trading platform. Among them are:

  • daily trading volumes;
    represented markets and supported assets;
    types of trades;
    the possibility of replenishing the account and withdrawing funds;
    commissions for financial transactions;
    terms of the user agreement;
    home jurisdiction;
    interface and localization quality;
    the possibilities of the user’s personal account;
    additional functionality and other features.

The post Top-10 best crypto exchanges 2022 first appeared on cryptos.tv.


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