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Preparing students to be future-ready


The concept of the future, particularly for students and young people, can be intimidating due to the overlapping possibilities and uncertainties that it entails. When it comes to your education and career paths, you have a lot of important decisions to make, and you obviously want the best outcome for you.

While you cannot predict what will happen next, you can certainly plan for it. Being future-ready means being able to adapt and stay on top of challenges that may arise on your path to success. Not sure where to begin? Here are five steps you can take right now to start preparing for the future.

Start by setting your goals

Before anything else, you first have to visualize and put on paper the things you want to achieve in the long run. Once your short and long-term goals are set, you will have an idea on what direction to take and which things to prioritize, allowing you to manage your time and resources well. And when the going gets tough, your goals are also great motivation to keep moving forward.

For students, setting goals is helpful in making crucial decisions that can affect your future like determining what senior high track or college program is right for you — one that can hone your knowledge and skills in your chosen field — and which extracurricular activities to focus on that can provide you a more holistic learning experience.

Choose the senior high or college program that best fits you

With your goals set, it’s time to act on them. One of the first steps you should take is deciding which senior high track or college program suits your interests, skills, and preferences the most. There are so many career options out there and it can get overwhelming, but there are also plenty of ways to narrow down your choices like researching online and asking for advice from your teachers and other professionals.

If those aren’t enough, you can also take personality and career assessments that are usually free and accessible online. The STI SCOPE or Student’s Career Opportunity and Personality Evaluator, for example, is a great tool that determines your personality type and the career opportunities that fits you best. The online SCOPE also comes with a career planning worksheet that you can use to outline the next steps in achieving your career goals, including the college program that can help you get there.

Find the right school

Now that you already have a senior high track or college program in mind, it’s time to search for a school that not only provides world-class education but also molds its students to be successful in their chosen fields. STI College, through its industry adept programs, ensures that students are trained in professional environments that can help them become job-ready and future-ready.

Its Enrollment to Employment (E2E) System also aims to develop ICT-enabled professionals through innovative learning and career planning methodologies. Under this, students get applicable education, job market skills, job preparedness, and job placement assistance that can prepare them when they eventually enter the workforce.

Enrich your learning experience

It can be tempting to spend your student life focusing solely on the academic aspect of it. While there’s nothing wrong with that, senior high school or college life is also a great opportunity to be involved in various extracurricular work and activities that your school may offer and discover more about your potential as a student outside the classroom.

Under its holistic learning approach, STI enables its students to expand their knowledge and improve their skills through a balance of traditional, experience-based, and character- building activities in its programs, giving them a well-rounded view of what their chosen industries can offer. Notably, STI students have participated and even represented the Philippines in various tech competitions in and out of the country including the Huawei ICT Competition.

Build strong support systems for success

In all stages of a person’s life, having a support system is important. As you pave your way towards your career goals, it’s great to meet and connect with people who have the same interests and aspirations as you for that much-needed sense of community and belongingness away from home.

Support systems are not limited to just family and friends — you can also find these among your mentors, teachers, and even your program’s alumni community. These people can give you first-hand insights and professional advice on your studies and career, which is valuable as you take your next steps towards your goals.


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