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Fortnite season 6: Everything we know about the new season

 Fortnite season 6: Everything we know about the new season

When it starts, new battle pass details, and more.

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With Fortnite's current season into its last few weeks, players are eagerly awaiting any news or leaks for season 6. Season 5 has introduced plenty of new locations to explore, new skins to collect, and gobsmacking amount of quests to complete. It's also brought together a bunch of characters with literally no connection to Fortnite besides being expert hunters, like God of War's Kratos, Halo's Master Chief, and the mandible-faced Predator.

But who cares about that? We want leaks, and reveals, and more leaks. Fortnite season 6 promises to somehow capitalize on all the dimension-hopping shenanigans that Jonesy has gotten up to lately, so it's worth digging into what we can expect. If you're just here for Fortnite's gameplay, odds are there will be significant changes as well.

We've gathered all the info we can find about Fortnite season 6 below.

fortnite season 6

(Image credit: Epic Games)

When is Fortnite season 6?

Previous seasons of Fortnite have fluctuated between anywhere from 10 to 17 weeks long, and it looks like season 5 will end up comfortably in the middle of that. According to the season 5 battle pass menu, that battle pass will become unavailable starting on March 16 this year, meaning season 5 will be about 15 weeks long.

That means that, barring any major changes, Fortnite season 6 will start sometime during the week of March 15—March 20. It's entirely possible that date might get pushed back though, considering the uncertainty of game development during a pandemic.

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(Image credit: Epic Games)

Fortnite season 6 battle pass

We don't know any concrete details regarding the Fortnite season 6 battle pass, but it's safe to say that it will likely cost the same amount as previous seasons. To unlock the skins and other cosmetics it'll get you, you'll (probably) need to spend 950 V-bucks for the standard battle pass. The season 6 battle bundle will cost you 2,800 V-bucks, but will automatically boost your pass to level 25.

The smallest batch of V-bucks you can purchase is the 1,000 pack for $7.99. If you don't have any extra V-bucks stocked up, $19.99 will get you 2,800 V-bucks, exactly the amount you need for the bundle.

Don't forget, there's also the Fortnite Crew subscription service. For $11.99 a month, you'll be able to keep the battle pass (only requires one month's purchase per season), plus you get 1,000 V-bucks per month and exclusive skins and cosmetics.

fortnite season 6

(Image credit: Epic Games)

Fortnite season 6 leaks

With season 6 fast approaching, Epic has started doling out a few hints at what to expect from the season 5 ending event that will shepherd us onto the new season.

Most notable is the leaked development at the center of the battle royale map, where a giant orb-like portal known as "Zero Point" has been resting since the start of season 5. As of the 15.50 update, the Zero Point has started to crack, suggesting the portal (or maybe reality around it) is beginning to destabilize.

Data miner HYPEX has also uncovered some info suggesting that the NPCs scattered around the island may be teleported as a result of the Zero Point's instability.

The Zero Point will soon start sending out smaller pulses that could act as mini events, data miner Mang0e says.

Our guess is that all the transdimensional hopping Jonesy has done to get us such characters as the xenomorph, Predator, or the Mandalorian could be what's set this all off.

Also cool to consider, some data miners seem to think being near the Zero Point will affect your own in-game voice chat in some way, again suggesting reality is being warped.

We'll be updating this post frequently as we get closer and closer to Fortnite season 6, so make sure to come on back as more info drops.

Don't forget to check out our Fortnite hub for more guides and news.


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