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100 Best Fall Instant Pot Recipes

The Trails at Oahe 

Home » Holidays » Fall » 100 Best Fall Instant Pot RecipesPublished: Aug 29, 2021 by Stephy 1 Comment This post may contain affiliate links. · As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Get warmed up on chilly days with these cozy and comforting fall instant pot recipes.From healthy instant pot soups and stews to hearty chicken dinners, there are plenty of quick and easy fall dinner recipes to choose from.You will find fall main entrees, side dishes, desserts and even fall drinks. These fall recipes are perfect for thanksgiving... Читать дальше...

30 Delicious Rotisserie Chicken Recipes

The Trails at Oahe 

Easy Chicken Pot Pie Recipe This chicken pot pie recipe is easy to make and will please even the pickiest eaters. Veggie Loaded Rotisserie Chicken Casserole Photo Credit: projectmealplan.comThe Veggie Loaded Rotisserie Chicken Casserole is exactly what your dinner menu rotation needs! Family friendly, low-carb, and seriously packed with vegetables. It’s super easy to modify and makes the best leftovers! 20-Minute Tuscan Chicken with Penne Pasta - Photo Credit: www.galonamission.com20-Minute Tuscan Chicken with Penne Pasta ... Читать дальше...

The Best Christmas Fudge Recipes

The Trails at Oahe 

Prepare yourself for the best Christmas fudge recipes all in one place! I have been making fudge for years and I cannot wait to share my favorites with you, along with how to store, gift, freeze, and even use up dried out fudge. RELATED READING: The Best Christmas Cupcake RecipesHoliday Fudge RecipesBelow you’ll find tips on gifting, storing, and using fudge but friends, I bet you’re here for the amazing Christmas fudge recipes. So let’s do those first!The Best Christmas Fudge RecipesMake the season... Читать дальше...

Sourdough Biscuits - The Best Sourdough Discard Recipe!

The Trails at Oahe 

Jump to RecipeThese quick, easy, and buttery sourdough biscuits are the perfect way to use up some sourdough discard when feeding your sourdough starter.They can be mixed, baked, and on the dinner or breakfast table in less than 30 minutes!Sourdoughbiscuits are evenmore flavorful thantraditional buttermilk biscuitsbecause of the delightful sourdough tang. They are just as easy to make as regular biscuits as long as you have a sourdough starter hanging out in your refrigerator. This is the only sourdough... Читать дальше...

30+ Best Instant Pot Ground Beef Recipes Quick & Cheap

The Trails at Oahe 

Jump to Recipe Jump to Video Print RecipeThis list of Instant Pot Ground Beef recipes is the best list to keep on hand for busy days. They’re pretty inexpensive, and they’re quick and easy, too!Have you ever wondered what recipes that you can make in the Instant Pot with ground beef? I have been looking and looking for recipes for the Instant Pot using ground beef and I think I’ve finally found several favorites!I love using ground beef, because it’s one of the cuts of meat that I almost always have on hand. Читать дальше...

French Dip Sandwich Recipe - Lauren's Latest

The Trails at Oahe 

Jump to Recipe Print RecipeThis post may contain affiliate sales links. Please read my disclosure policy.I love French Dip Sandwiches, but don’t love the time it takes to make the classic version. Enter my super speedy method! Roast Beef lunch meat and store bought Au Jus are jazzed up with a few extra ingredients to make this whole sandwich taste amazing and come together in about 15 minutes. It’s a killer dinner and so so delicious with Macaroni Salad or Potato Salad.French Dip Sandwiches in 15... Читать дальше...

Casserole Recipes to Make Ahead for Busy Nights

The Trails at Oahe 

This collection of Casserole Recipes is perfect for dinner, meal planning, baby-prep, and any time you want to have a simple homemade meal!We all love casseroles. Whether because they’re quick and easy or because you can feed an army, casseroles are the best. They are easily portable and make great dishes for a potluck, or are the perfect meal to gather your family around for a nice quiet dinner with these casserole recipes.⭐Save This Recipe⭐ Send it to your email!I consent to receive email from... Читать дальше...

Christmas Cranberry Brie Puff Pastry Stars – Recipe from Yummiest Food Cookbook

The Trails at Oahe 

December 10, 2018 By Yummiest Food 1 Comment CHRISTMAS CRANBERRY BRIE PUFF PASTRY STARS – Quick and Easy appetizer perfect for Christmas! Puff pastry stars topped with brie and cranberry sauce!These Cranberry Brie Puff Pastry Stars make a super easy appetizer for your holiday parties. Something I love about this recipe is you need only 5 ingredients: puff pastry, brie, cranberry sauce, egg and fresh thyme to garnish.Holiday entertaining is one of my favorite things. I love planning and preparing... Читать дальше...

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