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Molly-Mae shares parenting hacks for the ‘easiest’ days with Bambi – from keeping her grounded to their Saturday routine


MOLLY-Mae has opened up about adapting to being a single mum to daughter Bambi after going through a high-profile split from ex-partner Tommy Fury.

The Love Island star turned businesswoman, 25, spoke about her parenting tricks for her now 22-month-old in a new YouTube vlog.

Molly-Mae opened up about solo parenting Bambi in a recent YouTube video[/caption]
Molly-Mae and Tommy Fury before their high profile split this year[/caption]

The blonde beauty, who broke up with boxer Tommy Fury, 25, the father of her 22-month-old daughter, back in August, recently talked about the struggles of a solo parenting trip to Dubai.

She said: “’I really felt like a single parent. 

“I’ve massively noticed the missing piece of the puzzle.”

However, she does have some tricks with solo parenting Bambi in their Cheshire home…

Saturday routine

In her recent vlog, the influencer shared how she tries to take her daughter out the house for an activity at the weekend as it’s when she is at her “easiest”.

She shared: “Normally on a weekend I’m really big on like getting up and out with Bambi because I find that me and her have the best weekends.

“I find her the easiest when we get out and we do things and I keep her entertained.”

Doesn’t want her expecting treats

One of the ways Molly-Mae likes to entertain her adorable daughter is at the soft play centre, but she shared how she wants to keep Bambi grateful and grounded.

She shared: “It’s quite a lot to go out every single weekend and to find things to do.

“Not everyday soft play because I just think that’s like like also unrealistic to like let her think that like we can go to soft play every single day.”

Molly said that she needs to “stop thinking in my head” that Bambi will only be happy when they do things or go to a soft play.

Has ‘coping mechanisms’

Being a solo parent can be tough, especially as you have one less pair of hands to help with organising the family.

Molly shared one of her “coping mechanisms” to try to prepare things she’d find “stressful”, while Bambi takes a nap.

She explained: “I like to make sure that anything that I would find doing stressful trying to do with her I try and make sure it’s done before she wakes up.

Molly shared the realities of parenting Bambi in her new video[/caption]
Molly said Bambi is ‘easiest’ when they go out on a Saturday[/caption]

“Before I wake Bambi up from my nap I want to make sure that everything is done to the point where like even if I’m just going to visit Fran I will make sure sure every single thing is in the car before I wake her up so that all I need to do when I get her up is get her changed and put her in the car and we can go.”

Molly added that she can be “a little bit of a stressful character”, especially when Bambi is “getting upset”, so she tries to avoid those situations “at all costs.”

Prepares snacks and bags in advance

When Bambi is napping, Molly will prep snacks and bags if they have plans[/caption]

Two of the ways Molly tries to limit her “stress” is to prep snacks and bags ready for Bambi during her sleeptime.

She shared: “What will need to be done? What needs to be in the car? Do I need to have a bag packed for her? 

“Do I need to have snacks prepared? What is she going to have for a snack?”

Is honest about single mum struggles

Molly-Mae admitted she was ‘out of my depth’ on her Dubai trip as a single mum[/caption]

Molly admitted she’s had her “confidence knocked as a mum” after taking baby Bambi on a solo girls trip to Dubai.

The mum of one admitted she was “out of my depth” on the getaway to the UAE.

Although Molly-Mae was accompanied by her assistant and friend Erin – who she dubbed her “rock” – the ever-candid star said she felt she “needed physical and emotional support” of a partner.

In October, Molly-Mae was seen stripping to a bikini as she holidayed with the tot.

The pair arrived on a Business Class flight and, with the destination a special one for the Love Island star and her ex, all was set to be well.

Yet her smiles for Instagram masked a hidden struggle, which the frank star opened up about during a video.

The Maebe fashion brand owner is known for being frank with her online following.

In Dubai, I really felt like a single parent. I’ve massively noticed the missing piece of the puzzle, like that, of your partner, and that emotional support and the physical support also of a father


And her latest clip was no different as she told subscribers of the trip: “To be honest with you, it utterly knocked my confidence as a mum because I felt like, over the last few months, I’ve been getting into a really really good place with motherhood, feeling so confident and feeling really on top of my game, feeling like I’ve got Bambi sussed.

“I know her, I mean I’ve always known her through and through but, I can do it, I don’t need support, I’ve got this under control.

“Anyway, Dubai, different story. I was so out of my depth, literally the whole plane journey on the way there I was nearly in tears.”

Molly was honest with her fans about the highs and lows[/caption]

Molly-Mae's glow-down from ‘glamour model’ to ‘yummy mummy’

Celebrity PR Expert, Ed Hopkins told Fabulous: “I believe Molly-Mae Hague‘s new look is more than just a style change but a powerful statement of who she is becoming. 

“It underscores her journey towards authenticity, maturity, and sophistication and is likely to enhance her success and influence in the years to come.”

Brand and Culture Expert Nick Ede agreed, and told Fabulous: “Molly-Mae has transformed herself into a yummy mummy who has ditched the glamour model style for a more relaxed and natural look. 

“She’s becoming more down to earth and relatable to people and cleverly showing a softer side which will win her legions more fans in the process.”  

According to Ed Hopkins, Molly-Mae’s chic new look could be “highly lucrative” for the star.

Ed told Fabulous: “Molly-Mae Hague’s transformation towards a more natural, chic look seems to be a testament to her personal growth and evolving style. 

“This change, which has become more pronounced since she became a mother, appears to reflect her journey towards embracing authenticity and sophistication.

“It’s possible that this new image could be highly lucrative for Molly-Mae. 

“Her chic, understated style might appeal to a wider audience, including more mature demographics and high-end brands, potentially opening up lucrative endorsement deals and partnerships. 

“By adopting a more elegant look, she seems to align herself with premium and luxury brands that favour natural beauty and sophistication, which could lead to higher-paying collaborations. 

“Additionally, with consumers increasingly valuing authenticity and natural beauty, her new image could be both timely and marketable.”

Nick Ede agreed and told Fabulous: “She has started to promote some really great luxury brands including the cosmetics brand Tatcha and with her laid back look she will make a lot of money from brands looking to align with her.” 

Ed also noted that Molly-Mae’s transformation may be a sign that she is looking to step away from her reality show past.

He continued: “Molly-Mae’s transformation also seems to symbolise her desire even more so to well and truly step out of the shadow of her Love Island persona. 

“The shift to a more mature and unique style appears to demonstrate her growth and her wish to be seen as an individual beyond her reality TV beginnings.

“By shedding the bold, flashy look associated with her time on Love Island, she might be rebranding herself as a serious businesswoman and influencer who is carving out her own identity. 

“This new look helps her stand out in the crowded influencer market, showcasing her as a trendsetter with a distinctive, refined aesthetic.”

Nick agreed and claimed: “Shedding the flash looks she previously went for, she’s also detaching herself from the Love Island stereotype and stepping out as her own person with a cool look that’s not flashy but totally on trend. 

“Gone are the ‘look at me’ posts and in are family style posts and trend led fashion statements.” 


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