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Horoscope today, Monday May 10: Daily guide to what your star sign has in store for your zodiac dates



March 21 to April 20

As Mercury and Mars find big points in common, you are the sign with the best home ideas.

Creating something unique from routine ingredients is a star skill.

With family bonds, saying exactly how you feel is the best way.

Romance finds words too as Venus settles into your communication zone.

* Read our horoscopes live blog for the very latest on what the stars have in store for you…


April 21 to May 21

Bold words and bolder actions set the pace for your day.

With strong personal influences adding an unforgettable edge to competition entries, or any kind of profile, you stand out in a list.

This time, you have the chance to take a big idea further.

Love is calm but committed and you know what you want.


May 22 to June 21

Sticking to a moving or studying plan no matter what can leave your ideas too rigid.

Learning from someone you really respect is your day’s theme.

You are ready for this!

You are the zodiac’s love star, with a special Gemini sparkle and so many ways to draw admirers closer . . . especially a tall Libra.


June 22 to July 22

A sociable moon mixes with confident Mars with breathtaking results, as you wow everyone who comes close and go from strength to strength.

Best of all, you can shed any sense inside of not fitting in.

The group will change to fit you!

In love, a lighter emotional touch can achieve more.


July 23 to August 23

Stubborn friends, family or partners might test your patience but do have faith in your ability to rise above it and sense when you need to push for more information.

A contest with music-based prizes can be a love-finder, while a name you think of early in the morning leads you to luck.


August 24 to September 22

A set of names or numbers with a travel link is circling back towards you.

This time you can take things further, as Mars fires your sense of adventure in unexpected ways.

Closer to home, as Saturn squares up you might not see the point of a fitness routine but sticking with it unlocks rewards.


September 23 to October 23

Your true, intense self is ready to break through, making you a natural leader if you stick to what you believe is right.

Others will sense it if you try to pretend.

Career changes get a Mars boost so when you close your eyes and see yourself in a new role, it starts to happen.

Lucky numbers spin anti-clockwise.


October 24 to November 22

Maybe you don’t realise it but you have learned a lot from dealing with people lately.

Now you can put this knowledge to work.

At home, you can halt a spiral of doing more to get less.

Work-wise, the right people for a new team are so clear to you. Love means finding a balance between give and take.


November 23 to December 21

Your marriage zone still glows from Venus’ arrival, helping you bask in wonderful romantic vibes.

Maybe it feels strange to wear your heart on your sleeve but this is so right for you now.

Giving time for free, or offering cash to a good cause, opens a part of you that has been closed down lately.


December 22 to January 20

Your classy mix of creative ideas and practical plans is getting noticed at work.

So if an offer is made, or repeated, go with your heart this time.

Passion-wise, you are up for putting in the time to get to where you need to go, making a partner – old or new – feel loved for the very first time.


January 21 to February 18

As a homely moon sharpens your property-spotting instincts, helping a friend scan through potential addresses can flag up one of your own.

Do your research and close out any doubting voices.

Love is pure romance, full of fun surprises.

But deep down, you sense exactly who and what works for the future.


February 19 to March 20

Saturn’s secretive side can mean you keep information or ideas to yourself for too long.

Now is the time for a rethink – and to trust your sense of who is right to share with.

Passion can strike when you catch someone’s eye through an estate agent’s window.

Luck knocks at door 54.


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