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KUWTK: Why Rob Kardashian Doesn't Have To Pay Blac Chyna Child Support


Rob Kardashian from Keeping Up With the Kardashians showed a lack of earnings, so his initial child support amount of $20k per month was reduced.

Recently, Blac Chyna revealed that Keeping Up With the Kardashians star and ex-fiancé Rob Kardashian isn't paying any child support for their daughter, Dream. The singer said in an interview that she is taking care of her two kids by herself and gets "no child support." Now, many Keeping Up With the Kardashians fans want to know why Rob isn't paying.

Rob and Blac always had highs and lows in their relationship. The duo started dating in January 2016, and within three months, they got engaged. A month later, they announced that they were expecting their first baby. Rob wrote on his social media, "I fell in love with her immediately because of how great of a mom she is and now I'm looking forward to starting a family with her!" But things started to go downhill quickly. In July 2016, Rob deleted his fiancée's pictures from his Instagram account. Thus started the beginning of their on-again, off-again relationship. Ultimately, in February 2017, the pair went separate ways and decided to co-parent their three-year-old daughter. In a custody agreement, it was agreed by both parents that Rob would pay $20,000 a month in child support. But recently, Chyna said in an interview, "I mean, just honestly taking care of my kids by myself as a single parent, but no child support. So that's my biggest flex. I don't get no child support."

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Well, the daddy of one was supposed to pay the money when he was earning more than the model. But a year after the custody battle, he filed documents stating that his earnings have declined, and hence he wouldn't be able to afford such a hefty amount in child support. Part of his decline in revenue was his refusul to participate in Keeping Up With the Kardashians. E! reported that the reality star mentioned in the documents, "It has been an extraordinarily difficult time for me emotionally and I have no desire to continue participating in the reality show."

The 33-year-old added, "I would like to maintain my privacy, try to recover from the emotional damage of the past several months, and explore other business ventures." The reason was somewhat true, as Rob did step back from filming for Keeping Up with the Kardashians. His spin-off show with Chyna, Rob & Chyna, also came to an end as their relationship declined.

Consequently, in March 2019, the judge allowed Rob to pay a lower child support amount, and the parents agreed to take care of Dream's financial needs whenever need be. A source said, "Each pay for whatever Dream needs when either one of them has her for custodial time and any other expenses (school, medical) will be split evenly." So, the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star doesn't have to pay $20k a month as child support, but he's not completely abandoning his daughter either.

Next: RIP Keeping Up With The Kardashians: Awesome Memes Fans Love

Source: E!


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