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Falcon And Winter Soldier Set Photos Tease Bucky Motorcycle Action


New set photos from The Falcon and The Winter Soldier tease an action sequence for Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan) involving a motorcycle.

New set photos from The Falcon and The Winter Soldier tease an action scene of Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan) riding a motorcycle. Bucky's story in the Marvel Cinematic Universe will evolve in a big way thanks to a leading role on Disney+. The Falcon and The Winter Soldier will give Marvel more time to dive into the character and show how he is adjusting to life without Steve Rogers being Captain America. But, the exact details of Bucky's new adventure with Sam Wilson/Falcon (Anthony Mackie) are still a secret.

So far, Marvel Studios has only provided a glimpse at what The Falcon and The Winter Soldier will be, and the wait to see the show has only grown due to coronavirus. The pandemic shut down production on the Disney+ series before it could be finished and the cast and crew have only recently returned to work. Nearly six months passed while The Falcon and The Winter Soldier was paused and forced Disney to delay the show's August 2020 release date. While fans wait to learn when the show will arrive instead, the return of production has continued to provide some updates.

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In the latest batch of set photos from The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, Sebastian Stan is shown riding a motorcycle. The images shared by JustJared tease a possible action scene involving Bucky and this motorcycle. He is no stranger to riding a motorcycle in the MCU, as he rode one multiple times in Captain America: Civil War. With Bucky now back on a motorcycle, another thrilling chase sequence might be in store for him in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier.

The images of Bucky on a motorcycle continue what has been a steady stream of photos and videos from the set of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier. There has been footage of a US Agent action scene that possibly revealed a new suit for him, as well as photos confirming the return of Batroc the Leaper. Stan and Mackie have even taken part in sharing photos from the set of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier's production, with some great looks at Falcon's new suit coming from them.

Even though these particular photos of Bucky riding a motorcycle aren't too revealing, they do represent another successful day of production for The Falcon and The Winter Soldier. It has been reported that they only have a few weeks or days of filming left to be done, and there are clear signs that production has been ongoing for at least a week. This hopefully means that The Falcon and The Winter Soldier is closing in on the end of its production schedule, allowing Marvel Studios to finish the show and determine when it will be ready to stream on Disney+.

MORE: Why The Government Replaces Captain America In Falcon & Winter Soldier

Source: JustJared


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