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Our Girl hints at Georgie and Prof romance in Michelle Keegan’s emotional final moments on show


OUR Girl has hinted at a Georgie and Prof romance during Michelle Keegan’s emotional final moments on show. Earlier this year, the 32-year-old actress confirmed the current series would be her last as medic Georgie Lane and fans were eager to see what her exit storyline would be. Tonight, they got their wish, with Georgie […]

OUR Girl has hinted at a Georgie and Prof romance during Michelle Keegan’s emotional final moments on show.

Earlier this year, the 32-year-old actress confirmed the current series would be her last as medic Georgie Lane and fans were eager to see what her exit storyline would be.

Our Girl has hinted at a Georgie and Prof romance during Michelle Keegan’s emotional final moments on show

Tonight, they got their wish, with Georgie receiving something of a happy ending after the traumatic death of her fiancé Elvis Hart in the last series.

Having spent most of the series struggling with her grief and trying to find the man who killed Elvis, a romance appeared to be blossoming with newcomer Prof (Nico Mirallegro) in the final episode.

The pair had grown close in recent episodes, and tonight’s finale saw Prof jump in front of Georgie as she stared down the barrel of a gun held by Rabee, who turned out to actually be Aatan Omar, the man who killed Elvis.

As the war lord fired a shot at Georgie, it was Prof who took the bullet, saving her life as she managed to shoot Omar in the shoulder and send him flying over the walkway he had been stood on.

A romance appeared to be blossoming with newcomer Prof (Nico Mirallegro) in the final episode

Earlier, Georgie had discovered Rabee was actually Aatan Omar, the man who killed Elvis

Georgie was horrified to learn she had been around Elvis’ killer for weeks

Georgie then confronted Omar on the ground, who begged her to kill him so he could win, but despite flashing back to the moment Elvis was killed, she chose not to so some kind of justice could be served.

Later, Georgie checked on Prof in the hospital as he recovered from his injuries.

As they shared a heart to heart, she told him with a smile: “I didn’t realise you were so cute without your glasses”.

Sparks continued to fly as they later headed out onto the roof top to fly a kite as the sunset.

Prof stood in front of Georgie and took the bullet fired by Omar

As Prof recovered from his injuries, he and Georgie flew a kite from the roof, and she attached her engagement ring from Elvis

Continuing to confide in each other, Prof told Georgie about his grandmother dying one Christmas Eve, before she could give him the kite she had bought him for Christmas.

His mum took him out on December 25 to fly it, but a strong wind broke the string and the kite flew away, “all the way up to heaven.”

The pair smiled knowingly as Georgie asked if Prof was going to take her for a drink back home and he said yes

Taking his words onboard, Georgie removed her engagement ring from Elvis, which she wore around her neck, and attached it to their kite.

As it flew in the sky, Prof recited some poetry and Georgie asked: “Is that your clever way of asking me out for a drink when we get back home?”

Prof replied: “Yeah” and Georgie said, “Good” before the camera showed them giving each other a knowing look before they grinned and looked to the sky.


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