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Tom Hanks says he felt ‘very fatigued’ and ‘wiped’ when he tried to do simple exercises during coronavirus battle


TOM HANKS has opened up about the symptoms he had when he tested positive for coronavirus in his first public interview since coming down with the virus. The actor had previously appeared on SNL but didn’t dive into any of the specific symptoms he felt. The 63-year-old actor caught up with The National Defense Radio […]

TOM HANKS has opened up about the symptoms he had when he tested positive for coronavirus in his first public interview since coming down with the virus.

The actor had previously appeared on SNL but didn’t dive into any of the specific symptoms he felt.

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Tom Hanks did his first public interview since revealing he had COVID-19[/caption]

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Tom Hanks made his first appearance when he hosted SNL after recovering from coronavirus[/caption]

The 63-year-old actor caught up with The National Defense Radio Show and spoke of how different his experience was compared to his wife’s, Rita Wilson.

He explained: “Rita went through a tougher time than I did. She had a much-higher fever and she had some other symptoms.

“She lost her sense of taste and smell. She got absolutely no joy from food for a better part of three weeks.”

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Tom Hanks and his wife, Rita Wilson, came down with the virus in Australia[/caption]

He added: “She was so nauseous, she had to crawl on the floor from the bed to the facilities. It lasted a while.”

Tom, who “had some body aches and was very fatigued”, revealed he was “wiped” after trying to do a 30-minute exercise routine.

He said: “Whoever it was, doctor, nurse, would come into our air pressurized room, our isolation rooms. She said, ‘How are you feeling?’ and I said, ‘I just had the weirdest thing. I just tried to do basic stretches and exercises on the floor and I couldn’t even get halfway through.”

“And she looked at me through her glasses like she was talking to the dumbest human being and she said, ‘You have COVID-19.'”

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Rita Wilson revealed to have worse symptoms than her husband[/caption]

Similarly, Rita opened up about their symptoms when she spoke to Gayle King.

Before her full recovery, she suffered painful symptoms: “I was very tired, I felt extremely achy, uncomfortable. I didn’t want to be touched.

“And then the fever started, with chills like I’ve never had before.

“Looking back, I also realized I was losing my sense of taste and smell and I didn’t realize it at the time.”

The actress and singer revealed she suffered “extreme side effects” from medicine chloroquine while suffering from coronavirus.

She explained: “I was completely nauseous, I had vertigo, I could not walk and my muscles felt very weak.”

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The couple still doesn’t know how they got the virus[/caption]

Back in March, Tom and Rita were in Australia, filming a movie, when they both came down with coronavirus symptoms.

They spent three days in isolation in an Australia hospital and spent several weeks under observation, before making their way back to the United States and quarantining in their home.

Tom and Rita were the first celebrities to confirm they tested positive for the virus as the global pandemic continues to spread.

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