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Mrs Hinch reveals she uses £9 tool from Amazon to get pesky corners of her grimy washing machine drawer sparkling clean


THERE are few areas of the home more annoying to clean than a washing machine drawer. However, cleaning queen Mrs Hinch has thankfully revealed the genius tool she uses to get the hard-to-reach corners sparkling – and you can buy a version of your own for just £8.99 from Amazon. In a series of videos […]

THERE are few areas of the home more annoying to clean than a washing machine drawer.

However, cleaning queen Mrs Hinch has thankfully revealed the genius tool she uses to get the hard-to-reach corners sparkling – and you can buy a version of your own for just £8.99 from Amazon.

Refer to Caption
Mrs Hinch has revealed to her fans how she cleans her washing machine drawer[/caption]

In a series of videos on her Instagram Story, the 30-year-old social media star – whose real name is Sophie Hinchcliffe – shared with her 3.3m followers her step-by-step guide for removing grime.

After taking out the drawer and placing in her sink, the mum-of-one explained that she soaked it in Flash spray, costing £1.99, and left it for the moment.

Moving onto the empty compartment, the ‘cleanfluencer’ revealed how she used a scoop of bicarbonate of soda and some white vinegar spray.

She then got out her Sonic Scrubber electrical cleaning brush to access all the small nooks and crannies.

The Instagram star enlisted the help of a SonicScrubber from Amazon
First, she added bicarbonate of soda and a spray of white vinegar[/caption]
  • Electric household cleaning brush set, £8.99, Amazon – buy here

While Sophie’s tool is priced at £18.99 on Amazon, the site also sell unbranded versions for a tenner less at £8.99.

Describing the latter product, the site, revealed that it can “help you clean inaccessible gaps and corners” and claimed it could “improves cleaning time by up to 57 per cent”.

It also comes with four replacement heads so it can be used in a variety of areas of the house, including the kitchen and bathroom.

The product is inspired by the SonicScrubber, which has become a best-seller and received hundreds of five-star reviews from cleaning fans.

The mum-of-one then used the electrical product in the nooks and crannies[/caption]
She used a moppet sponge to rinse away the dirt[/caption]
  • SonicScrubber household electrical cleaning brush set, £18.99, Amazon – buy here

One person wrote: “Gets tough marks off pretty much anything without doing damage to what is underneath.”

Another commented: “Essentially it’s a giant electric toothbrush. However, it’s a fabulous bit of kit.”

Finally, she used Flash spray on the drawer before giving it a thorough once-over with the brush[/caption]

Finishing off the compartment, Mrs Hinch then picked up a well-soaked moppet sponge to squeeze out the water and rinse away any dirt.

Finally, the star used her SonicScrubber on the drawer – before moving on to freshen up the drum of the washing machine.

In other cleaning news, we told you how a woman got her silver jewellery sparkling.

We also revealed that a mum has praised a 99p product which has completely transformed her dingy patio.

And another mum has shared stomach-churning photos of hair build-up after unclogging drain.


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