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Gemma Collins says she spends £650 a night to stay at The Ritz because she can’t be bothered to go home


GEMMA Collins has admitted to spending £650 a night at The Ritz because she doesn’t want to go home to Essex. The Towie star, 38, refuses to get a train or a cab back to her native Essex, instead choosing a night’s stay at the five star luxury hotel in London’s Mayfair. Speaking on her […]

GEMMA Collins has admitted to spending £650 a night at The Ritz because she doesn’t want to go home to Essex.

The Towie star, 38, refuses to get a train or a cab back to her native Essex, instead choosing a night’s stay at the five star luxury hotel in London’s Mayfair.

Gemma leaving The Ritz

Speaking on her BBC Sounds podcast, the reality diva said: “Guys, I’m at the Ritz. I did treat myself to a room last night because I have been working non-stop again. And I think it’s coming to that time again where I need to buy myself a place in London because I’m spending so much on hotel rooms.

“It is nice as a treat once in a while – I’m a hard working girl, but I sort of think, God, it’s costing me £650 to go to sleep of a night.

“But I had some really good meetings, I had some really good deals, so I thought, you know what, I’m going to treat myself.”

Hotel room in the Ritz
The Ritz
The Palm Court, which serves ‘Tea at the Ritz”, their famous afternoon tea
The Ritz
The Ritz is located in one of the most expensive parts of London
The Ritz

The Ritz is one of the most luxurious hotels in the world and offers premium services to those willing to fork out the money.

Guests get access to the spectacular Ritz Club, a private member’s club located in the hotel’s former ball room. Here people can indulge in high stakes gambling underneath crystal chandeliers in a golden hall.

The hotel offers a concierge service, promising access to “the most exclusive venues” from across the city, and butlers to wait on your every need.

There’s even a dress code imposed on guests to maintain their high level of sophistication, with shorts, trainers and sportswear banned from the entire hotel.

Gemma Collins flashing her leg as she leaves The Ritz today
Gemma Collins posing on a Rolls Royce for a London Fashion Week giveaway

The GC may be embracing her opulent lifestyle at The Ritz, but back in Essex she lives away from the crowds in a posh countryside pad.

Speaking to The Sun Online about her country digs, she said: “I can’t tell you how calm I am around plants and nature.

“My new obsession is buying bird food and I love to watch the birds come and feed. It’s very calming and it’s very good for my soul here.”

This calming lifestyle seems to be clashing with her busy work schedule, as she feels forced to spend hundreds of pounds at The Ritz.

Gemma Collins in a field in her new countryside place

There’s also another reason why she wants to spend the night in the luxury establishment: in memory of her hero, Princess Diana.

Gemma goes on to explain:”Princess Diana used to stay here and she is someone that is, for me, the most amazing person on earth.

“It was my brothers birthday a couple of weeks ago and I always remember her because it was her anniversary of her death on my brother’s death.

“I kind of justified spending out on a room at the Ritz in memory of Diana.”

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