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Sick ISIS supporters threaten to bomb London and New York and attack a plane in chilling terror posters


SICK ISIS supporters have threatened to bomb London and New York and attack a plane in a series of chilling posters. The terror fanatics shared an image of Big Ben in London’s Palace of Westminster exploding in flames, with a caption saying: “Coming soon”. New York’s Manhattan Bridge appeared to be another target as one […]

SICK ISIS supporters have threatened to bomb London and New York and attack a plane in a series of chilling posters.

The terror fanatics shared an image of Big Ben in London’s Palace of Westminster exploding in flames, with a caption saying: “Coming soon”.

ISIS supporters have threatened to bomb Big Ben in London’s Palace of Westminster
ISIS supporters have threatened to bomb Big Ben in London’s Palace of Westminster
New York’s Manhattan Bridge appeared to be another target in the terror posters
New York’s Manhattan Bridge appeared to be another target in the terror posters
ISIS supporters also shared an image of a burning plane which appeared to have crash landed in a river near a major city
ISIS supporters also shared an image of a burning plane which appeared to have crash landed in a river near a major city

New York’s Manhattan Bridge appeared to be another target as one of the posters showed a US soldier fleeing from an apparent attack in that area.

ISIS supporters also shared an image of a burning plane which appeared to have crash landed in a river near a major city.

In the poster showing an obliterated Big Ben, a militant fighter can be seen holding a Bazooka-style weapon and surveying the wreckage in the heart of the London.

The attacker appears to be standing on Westminster Bridge, evoking horrific memories of the 2017 terror attack which left six dead.

A caption on the poster reads: “Kill them wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush.”

Another terror poster shows a US soldier escaping from the scene of an attack in New York, near the Manhattan Bridge.


Research group TRAC Terrorism warned that the US is at bigger risk of an attack than the UK because of the upcoming Fourth of July celebrations.

The propaganda does not specifically mention the US holiday, but the ISIS supporters vow to pursue “infidels in their own homeland”.

“Know O Crusader infidel that you – Allah willing – will soon be pursued in your own homeland,” it reads.

“You will be pursued in the streets and in the alleyways and you will burn by the flames of the IEDs.

“Only this time you will be feeling the pain of what you have inflicted for decades upon the Muslims, of killing, burning, destruction and displacement in refugee camps.


“What is coming will – Allah willing – be directed at you, and in your own homeland.

“So be on the lookout until then.”

It’s not immediately clear what kind of attack the New York poster is portraying, but a truck can be seen in the right hand side of the image.

The image evokes the horror of the 2016 Nice truck attack where at least 86 people were killed when a lorry deliberately drove into crowds on Bastille Day.

This terror tactic was also used in the Berlin Christmas market attack when a truck ploughed into families, killing at least 12 people.


ISIS has carried out a number of bombings targeting mosques and public transport in Afghanistan in recent months.

The bombings have stoked fears that the group, which staged numerous attacks in the UK, US, and France after coming to international prominence in 2014, is planning new strikes against the West.

A US intelligence official, who is based in Afghanistan, said the wave of attacks in Kabul are “practice runs” for bigger attacks in Europe and America.

“This group is the most near-term threat to our homelands from Afghanistan,” the official told AP.

“The IS core mandate is: You will conduct external attacks” in the U.S. and Europe.

“That is their goal. It’s just a matter of time. It is very scary.”

He added that Afghanistan’s ISIS affiliate could be able to carry out a large-scale attack in the US or Europe within the next year.

The official added that ISIS fighters captured in Afghanistan have been found to be in contact with fellow militants in other countries.


A Kurdish commander has also warned that thousands of ISIS fighters are now on the loose and forming sleeper cells that could attack the UK at any time.

Mervan Kamishlo, a commander in the Syrian Democratic Forces, said that members of the defeated caliphate have gone to ground in Syria and are now plotting revenge attacks on countries such as Britain.

Western-backed Kurdish forces have led the fight against Islamic State, which has now lost almost all the territory it was able to capture amid the turmoil of Syria’s ongoing Civil War.

“There still thousands of sleepers here. When we succeeded militarily they disappeared,” Kamishlo told the Mirror.

Those cells are concentrated in areas of north-eastern Syria, like Raqqa, that were formerly key strongholds for Islamic State.

ISIS has sought to establish a foothold in Afghanistan since losing its territory in Iraq and Syria
ISIS has sought to establish a foothold in Afghanistan since losing its territory in Iraq and Syria[/caption]


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