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Новости за 13.02.2021

You Are Not Screwed, And You Are Not Alone


That was the only thing that would cure my hunger pangs—not the kind of hunger pangs because I didn’t eat in a few hours or had a hard workout but deep, painful pangs because I hadn’t eaten a balanced meal in days.


The Moderate Voice 

Former President Donald Trump has been acquitted in his Senate impeachment trial. CNN: The Senate just voted to acquit former President Trump in his second impeachment trial. The vote was 57-43, with seven Republicans joining the Democrats. Senators needed a two-thirds majority to convict Trump. These are the seven Republicans who voted to convict the […]

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Didac Costa finishes 20th in Vendée Globe

Yachts and Yachting Magazine 

Catalonian firefighter Didac Costa finished his second Vendée Globe solo round the world race this evening at 19:47:03hrs UTC, crossing the line off Les Sables d'Olonne in 20th place in an elapsed time of 97d 06hrs 27m 03s.

Four people in Oregon who received both doses of vaccine test positive for coronavirus - NBC News

Top Stories (us) - Google News (ru) 

  1. Four people in Oregon who received both doses of vaccine test positive for coronavirus  NBC News
  2. California set to expand COVID-19 vaccine eligibility  KTLA 5
  3. 4 Oregonians fully vaccinated against COVID test positive -- representing some of first such cases in nation  OregonLive
  4. Mass. vaccine rollout has been a process of steps forward and backward  The Boston Globe
  5. Why Massachusetts scored an 'F' on its vaccination report card  The Boston Globe
  6. View... Читать дальше...


Speedway Media 

In the 150s, we had a vibration issue that we had to investigate. We initially thought it was an engine issue, but fortunately it wasn’t. The team was able to diagnose and fix it.

Red and rose sparkling wines

Global Edmonton 

Gurvinder Bhatia talks about red and rose sparkling wines this Valentine’s weekend and explains why wine and chocolate may not actually pair well together.

Trump acquitted: Senate votes 57-43 at impeachment trial

The Washington Times 

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate on Saturday acquitted Donald Trump of inciting the horrific attack on the U.S. Capitol, concluding a historic impeachment trial that exposed the fragility of America's democratic traditions and left a divided nation to come to terms with the violence sparked by his defeated presidency.

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Jefferson Awards nominations are open

The Toledo Blade 

Nominations for the 2021 Jefferson Awards, considered the American equivalent of Nobel Prizes for public service, are open.

Музыкальные новости

Занимает два места на парковке: Тимати купил дорогущий бронированный автомобиль

Персональные новости
Сергей Собянин

Собянин заявил, что за пожарной безопасностью смоленских лесов будут следить с воздуха

Man City starlet impressively writes his name in Premier League history books during win over Tottenham

Caught Offside 

As reported by OptaJoe on Twitter, English sensation Phil Foden made history during Manchester City’s win over Tottenham this evening. Foden has been one of the players of the season so far in the Premier League. While Man City were slow out the blocks, Foden was performing from day one, with his teammates eventually following […]

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Matt Harvey has a new team

New York Post 

The Dark Knight will get yet another chance to rise. Matt Harvey, the one-time Mets ace who later became the club’s reclamation project, will be headed to spring training with the Orioles after signing a minor league contract, according to MLB Network. The 31-year-old Harvey has seen his career go from promising to on the...

Dreamville Announces Limited Edition V-Day Merch Drop


The label shared a cryptic graphic on their social media accounts confirming the forthcoming drop.

Спорт в России и мире

На окружном полуфинале конкурса «Это у нас семейное» Калмыкию представляют четыре семьи


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Елена Рыбакина

Рыбакина о смене гражданства: «Я никому ничего не доказываю. В меня поверил Казахстан, чему я очень рада»


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Очередные кадровые назначения объявлены в Минске

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Команда из Ногинска взяла серебро на турнире по мини-футболу

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