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Новости за 12.04.2020

Trump spends Easter weekend pondering the ‘biggest decision’ of his presidency


WASHINGTON (CNN) — President Donald Trump will watch Easter come and go this weekend without the nation “raring to go” as a new debate buds over whether May 1 is now the target date of revival. Instead of joining packed pews at his usual 11 a.m. ET service at the stone Bethesda-by-the-Sea in Palm Beach, […]

12th Apr

Kuwait Times 

Daily E- Paper – Kuwait Times   Click above icon to download full news paper

The other side of Songkran


When Songkran is approaching, people instinctively bring out colourful shirts to wear as a gesture to celebrate the occasion.

BMA unveils rapid testing


The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) has launched its mobile Covid-19 testing unit, which started providing free tests in the capital on Wednesday.

Don't @ Her


As an artist/producer, Arca's always fixed her attention on the negative space between each cavernous, distorted beat.

Hot and maybe just a little bothered


It is customary at this time of the year for PostScript to whine about two specific topics -- the overwhelming heat and the approaching Songkran festival. As regards the first, I can safely say it has been "a bit on the warm side". In fact it's been sizzling, sweltering, scorching and for us ancient folks, totally discombobulating, or to use the correct meteorological terminology, "bloody hot".

Govt duty to curb virus hate crime


A hugely popular Phuket-based Facebook Page, Spotlight Thailand, caused a stir last week with a shameful poster attacking foreigners and tourists in Thailand for failing to comply with anti-virus measures like social distancing and mask wearing in the wake of the Covid-19 crisis.

Migrant workers upset by border opening delay


Migrant workers in Malaysia are appealing to the government to help repatriate them after the Southeast Asian country postponed the opening of its border by another two weeks.

The Navy Must Learn From Coronavirus' Attack On The USS Theodore Roosevelt

The National Interest 

John L. Chapman

Politics, Americas

The politicians and media people and armchair generals who criticized Acting Secretary Modly’s handling of Crozier never were working in full consideration of the facts.

The media-fed conflagration surrounding the removal of U.S. Navy Captain Brett Crozier as commander of the U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-72) has finally claimed its intended scalp: Acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas B. Modly resigned yesterday afternoon, after meeting with Secretary of Defense Mark Esper. Читать дальше...

China Evicted African Workers While WHO Accused Taiwan Of Coronavirus Racism

The National Interest 

Andrew Kerr

Politics, Asia


As the Chinese-backed head of the World Health Organization accused Taiwan of stoking racism on Wednesday, scores of Africans living in the Chinese city of Guangzhou were being evicted from their homes over claims they were importing coronavirus into the city.

“We have no house, no food, no hotel,” an unnamed Nigerian student living in Guangzhou told the BBC on Thursday. “There are up to 100 people still on the streets. People... Читать дальше...

Russia Slams Trump’s Space Mining Order


Russia’s space agency Roscosmos has condemned US President Donald Trump’s order signed this week, which encourages citizens to mine the moon and other celestial bodies with commercial purposes. The government body likened the policy to colonialism and said it “hardly sets the countries to fruitful cooperation.” “There have already been examples in history when one country decided to start seizing territories in its interest — everyone remembers what came of it,” Roscosmos’ deputy general director…

Спорт в России и мире

Баскетболист ЦСКА Хэнлан назвал Москву лучшим местом для жизни


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Анастасия Потапова

Потапова всухую обыграла Шнайдер в 1-м круге турнира в Мадриде


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Московскую компанию заподозрили в хищении 103 млн рублей при реализации нацпроекта в Орле

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Киркоров и Пелагея спели для амурчан-бамовцев в Москве

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В Минске открывается ВНС: что будет

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Во Франции назвали бредом слова Зеленского про угрозу Путина Европе

Навальный в России и мире

Запрещено в служении проводившему панихиду по Навальному священнику

Здоровье в России и мире

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Анастасии Ивановой из Олекминска, которой муж отрезал ухо и нос, нужна ваша помощь


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