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Новости за 08.04.2020

Dick’s Sporting Goods Puts Staffers On Leave Amid COVID-19


Amid the coronavirus pandemic, Dick’s Sporting Goods is putting many of its approximately 40,000 staffers on leave, but affected team members will keep receiving benefits. The sporting goods retailer said in a regulatory document that it is “increasingly evident” that its over 800 retail locations won’t open in the foreseeable future because of COVID-19, CNN reported. Social distancing policies, […]

Shenandoah National Park Closed Due to Coronavirus Crisis


<!--amp-source-stack {"hook":"the_excerpt","filter":true,"post_id":5043870,"post_type":"attachment","sources":[{"type":"core","name":"wp-includes","function":"wptexturize"},{"type":"core","name":"wp-includes","function":"convert_smilies"},{"type":"core","name":"wp-includes","function":"convert_chars"},{"type":"core","name":"wp-includes","function":"wpautop"},{"type":"core","name":"wp-includes","function":"shortcode_unautop"}]}--><p>A view out over the piedmont from Skyline Drive on a... Читать дальше...

California nursing facility forced to evacuate after many staffers failed to show up amid coronavirus, offi... - Fox News


  1. California nursing facility forced to evacuate after many staffers failed to show up amid coronavirus, offi...  Fox News
  2. Riverside nursing facility evacuated after staff no-shows  Santa Rosa Press Democrat
  3. Riverside Nursing Home Evacuated After Staff Doesn't Show Up A 2nd Day In A Row  CBS Los Angeles
  4. Coronavirus: 84 residents evacuated from Riverside nursing home after employees do not show up for work  KABC-TV
  5. Employees’ no-show at Riverside nursing home... Читать дальше...

Ohio prison staffer dies from coronavirus

The Toledo Blade 

COLUMBUS — Marion Correctional Institution officer John Dawson has died from the coronavirus, Gov. Mike DeWine said Wednesday, marking the first time an Ohio prison staffer has died from the spreading pandemic.

Trump Is The One Stealing Hospital Supplies


Trump has falsely accused hospital staffers of stealing supplies, but according to new reports it is actually Trump's government that is seizing supplies from hospitals. Hospitals in at least 7 states have reported that the Feds have confiscated their shipments of supplies, and as of now they have no idea where these supplies have ended up.

Linda Tripp Dies: Bill Clinton Sex Scandal Whistleblower Was 70


Linda Tripp died Wednesday at the age of 70, according to her family. Admitted to the hospital in recent days, the woman who almost brought down the Presidency of Bill Clinton passed from pancreatic cancer. Despite being in an ICU, Tripp did not suffer from the effects of conronavirus, as had been suggested earlier in […]

A woman's genius headband hack makes wearing a face mask more comfortable for healthcare and essential workers


  • People are sewing masks and face covers to send to people in need and essential workers around the US.
  • One New York woman turned her love for crafting and creativity into a solution for healthcare workers who struggle with discomfort caused by face masks rubbing against their ears.
  • Insider spoke with the creator of the clever headbands, Hayley Alden, who has made hundreds of the headbands to give to workers locally and around the US.  
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories. Читать дальше...

National Academies of Sciences just blew away Trump claim ‘miraculously’ coronavirus ‘goes away in April with the heat’

Raw Story 

President Donald Trump just earned yet another black mark for his book of lies about the coronavirus. In mid-February, falsely insisting America was in “great shape” to fend off COVID-19, President Trump also falsely said, “a lot of people think” that the new novel coronavirus “goes away in April, with the heat. As the heat […]

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Mom and her three sons all die from coronavirus just days apart


AN 86-year-old Louisiana woman and her three sons all contracted the coronavirus – and died days apart from each other. Antoinette Franklin died on March 23 in New Orleans. Her sons, Herman Franklin Jr., 71, Anthony Franklin Sr., 58, and Timothy Franklin, 61, died between March 20 and March 30, according to their obituaries. The […]

Driver Profile: Rick Lanagan – #27 Late Model

Stafford Motor Speedway 

Rick Lanagan – #27 Late Model

Driver & Team Info
Hometown: Broad Brook, CT

The post Driver Profile: Rick Lanagan – #27 Late Model appeared first on Stafford Motor Speedway.

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Тамбовские синхронистски заработали две медали на первенстве города Королёв


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Рязанские дизайнеры представили свой бренд одежды на модном показе Estet Fashion Week

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Очередные кадровые назначения объявлены в Минске

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Владимир Зеленский подтвердил ракетный удар по аэродрому в Джанкое

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