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Новости за 10.03.2020

Trump says coronavirus 'really working out' as troops dispatched in New York - The Independent

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (com) 

  1. Trump says coronavirus 'really working out' as troops dispatched in New York  The Independent
  2. In his disastrous handling of coronavirus, Donald Trump is blowing his re-election chances  Telegraph.co.uk
  3. Coronavirus US: 'stay calm, it will go away' says Donald Trump  Daily Mail
  4. Trump’s critics aren’t ‘politicizing the coronavirus.’ Trump is.  The Washington Post
  5. Trump is in trouble. Democrats must drive a hard bargain — now.  The Washington Post
  6. View... Читать дальше...

Cegid And Esker Form Accounts Payable Tech Partnership


Management solutions company Cegid has teamed up with artificial intelligence (AI) process automation company Esker to form a technological partnership agreement, according to a Tuesday (March 10) release. “In order to provide its customers with even better service, Cegid wanted to give them the opportunity to fully automate their supplier invoicing management processes. The integration with […]

[Women's Lacrosse] Tullar, Crump Earns NAIA Player of the Week Honors

Mid-South Conference Baseball 

Story by: University of the Cumberlands Athletics

Kansas City, MO – For the second time this season, Samantha Tullar and Emily Crump have swept the NAIA national player of the week honors, announced by the national office Tuesday.  Tullar was named the NAIA Offensive Player of the Week, while Emily Crump earned NAIA Defensive Player of the Week. The Patriots went 3-0 on the week and are now 7-0 on the season.

Tullar earned offensive player of the week honors after recording 21 goals, 10 assists and 31 points in UC's three games. Читать дальше...

Wednesday’s Rugby News

Green and Gold Rugby 

Wednesday’s Rugby News sees Hooper’s fighting words, Marler charged, Tim Walsh stresses no need for new players, and more Six Nations games affected by Coronavirus.  

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South Africa’s ‘upside down’ house attracts tourists

New York Post 

HARTEBEESTPOORT, South Africa — With its roof on the ground and its floor in the air, an upside down house is attracting tourists who want to see the world from different perspective. Located near Hartebeestpoort, about 47 miles north of Johannesburg, the house is inverted on the outside and inside. Visitors take pictures of themselves...

NASA Satellites Help Forecast Yellowstone Wildlife Migration


A NASA study has found a link between climate change effects on the productivity of grasslands and the growing number of bison in Yellowstone National Park. The data, which came from two NASA Earth science satellites, shows daily vegetation growth for the past 20 years and can be used to help forecast the movements of bison, aiding conservation eff

Airbnb introduces more flexible reservation policies due to coronavirus

The Verge 

Photo by Amelia Holowaty Krales / The Verge

In light of the novel coronavirus outbreak and its massive impact on the travel industry, Airbnb has tweaked its reservation policies to help hosts and guests cancel bookings without taking a loss. Until June 1st, Airbnb will waive the standard 3 percent host fee that it collects for hosts who refund more of their would-be guests’ money than the Airbnb cancellation policy requires them to. Airbnb also says it will increase visibility of listings for... Читать дальше...

Музыкальные новости
Стас Пьеха

«В чем угодно, только не в красных стрингах!» Стас Пьеха рассказал о фотосессии на «Фабрике звезд» в шоу «УТРО. ТНТ»

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UAB @LATechWBB Opens C-USA Tourney Wednesday

Bulldog Barks and Bytes: Lady Techster Basketball 

A new article has been posted on www.latechsports.com: Image: https://latechsports.com/common/controls/image_handler.aspx?thumb_prefix=rp_primary&image_path=/images/2020/2/20/Amber_Dixon_Marshall4.jpg Louisiana Tech will open up play in the 2020 Air Force Reserve Conference USA Basketball...

[Baseball] No. 20 Eagles Fall to Olivet Nazarene

Central Methodist University Baseball 

ASHLAND, Mo. - The No. 20-ranked Central Methodist University baseball team fell to Olivet Nazarene in a neutral territory battle on Tuesday afternoon.

Спорт в России и мире

Расплата за расточительство! ФК «Оренбург» на домашнем поле уступил ФК «Динамо» (Москва) – 1:2


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Анастасия Потапова

Потапова всухую обыграла Шнайдер в 1-м круге турнира в Мадриде


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Сенсорный сад с экотропами появится в Бутырском районе Москвы

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Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко убежден, что белорусы «никогда еще так хорошо не жили»

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Сергей Шнуров

Кормухина отказалась называть Шнурова музыкантом из-за его отношения к профессии


Turkish Airlines прекратила продажу единых билетов на рейсы из России в Мексику

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