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Новости за 04.12.2019

Democratic Presidential Field Shrinks with Departure of Harris, Bullock

Voice of America 

The Democratic presidential field continues to shrink. The latest casualty is California Senator Kamala Harris, who withdrew from the 2020 race on Tuesday. Earlier, Montana Governor Steve Bullock also ended his campaign. Former Vice President Joe Biden leads a cluster of four contenders near the top of national public opinion polls, but there is still plenty of uncertainty about where the Democratic race is headed as the campaign heats up. VOA National correspondent Jim Malone reports.

Democratic Presidential Field Shrinks with Departure of Harris and Bullock

Voice of America 

The Democratic presidential field continues to shrink. The latest casualty is California Senator Kamala Harris, who withdrew from the 2020 race on Tuesday. Earlier, Montana Governor Steve Bullock also ended his campaign. Former Vice President Joe Biden leads a cluster of four contenders near the top of national public opinion polls, but there is still plenty of uncertainty about where the Democratic race is headed as the campaign heats up. VOA National correspondent Jim Malone has more from Wa

Campus threat under investigation at Lafayette High School


LAFAYETTE, La. (KLFY)- A bomb threat that was sent via text is under investigation at Lafayette High School. At the time the threat was reported, the school still had a few students on campus, but most were already dismissed, Lafayette Police Department spokesperson Cpl. Bridgette Dugas said. A sweep of the school is underway. This […]

CNN: Federal prosecutors interview Ukraine oil and gas company CEO

Kyiv Post 

Federal prosecutors in New York who are investigating Rudy Giuliani and his associates have deepened their focus on Ukraine’s state-run oil-and-gas company, having interviewed its CEO, Andriy Kobolev, and seeking in recent weeks to speak to a key US embassy staffer in Ukraine, according to Kobolev’s attorney and people familiar with the matter. Read more […]

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Police chief highlights progress on animal welfare

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus police chief Kypros Michailides praised the collaboration between the police force and Animal Party Cyprus (APC), following a meeting with party leader Kyriacos Kyriacou on Wednesday. He said the efficient mutual cooperation between the police force and the APC has resulted in several cases involving animal mistreatment being successfully...

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Allakos stock jumps in afternoon trading


Shares of Allakos Inc. rallied 37% in afternoon trading, to a record high. Sources told Bloomberg that the Redwood, Calif.-based biopharmaceutical company, which went public in August, is considering a sale. Allakos is in the early stages of developing treatments for eosinophilic gastritis and allergic conjunctivitis, among others. The rally has added roughly $1.7 billion to the company's market capitalization, to boost the market cap to about $6.4 billion. The company has not immediately responded to a request for comment. Читать дальше...

Hundreds of thousands will lose food stamp benefits under new work rules


WASHINGTON (AP) — Hundreds of thousands of Americans who rely on the federal food stamp program will lose their benefits under a new Trump administration rule that will tighten work requirements for recipients. The move by the administration is the latest in its attempt to scale back the social safety net for low-income Americans. It is the […]

Музыкальные новости
Стас Пьеха

«В чем угодно, только не в красных стрингах!» Стас Пьеха рассказал о фотосессии на «Фабрике звезд» в шоу «УТРО. ТНТ»

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Lily Allen & Boyfriend David Harbour Enjoy a Vacation by the Pool in Miami

«Just Jared» 

Lily Allen and David Harbour are in vacation mode. The 34-year-old No Shame singer and the 44-year-old Stranger Things star were spotted enjoying their vacation together by the pool on Wednesday (December 4) in Miami, Fla. PHOTOS: Check out the latest pics of Lily Allen The couple looked casual as they enjoyed a relaxing break [...]

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

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