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Star Trek: Picard first trailer out now – What’s the UK release date and who’s in the cast with Patrick Stewart?


IT’S been almost twenty years since Patrick Stewart was Captain Jean-Luc Picard. And now he’s back, needless to say fans can’t contain their excitement. Here’s what every ‘trekkie’ needs to know about Picard… What’s the UK release date of Star Trek: Picard? Since filming only kicked off in April, we shouldn’t hold our breaths for […]

IT’S been almost twenty years since Patrick Stewart was Captain Jean-Luc Picard.

And now he’s back, needless to say fans can’t contain their excitement. Here’s what every ‘trekkie’ needs to know about Picard…

Star Trek: Picard is coming in late 2019

What’s the UK release date of Star Trek: Picard?

Since filming only kicked off in April, we shouldn’t hold our breaths for it to come out anytime soon.

Though it is expected to drop by the end of the year.

And until then showrunners have teased fans with the first glimpse of what’s in store in the first trailer.

We do know that when the show does finally come to air in late 2019 it will span ten episodes.

And UK audiences will be able to catch it on Amazon Prime, while it will be aired on CBS: All Access in the US.

Who’s in the cast with Patrick Stewart?

Patrick Stewart reprises his iconic role of Captain Picard

Very little has been released about the plot of the upcoming ten-part series including characters’ names.

We do know, however, that Patrick is returning as Captain Jean-Luc Picard after a seventeen-year break.

Speaking about reprising his iconic role, Patrick said: “He may not be a captain anymore. He may not be the Jean Luc you recognise and know so well. It may be a very different individual, someone who has been changed by his experiences.

“It will be something, I guarantee it, something very, very different.”

And joining Patrick in the cast are Heroes’ actor Santiago Cabrera, Law & Order star Michelle Hurd, American Horror Story star Alison Pill, Penny Dreadful actor Harry Treadaway, Isa Briones and Evan Evagora.

Though we are yet to know who their characters are.

What has fan reaction been to the trailer?

Some fans have expressed concern over their beloved Captain off the back of the first trailer

After the trailer dropped, fans were slightly concerned for the welfare of their beloved Captain Picard.

To be fair it was pretty ominous with a bellowing voice questioning:

“Fifteen years ago today, you led us out of the darkness. You commanded the greatest rescue armada in history, then the unimaginable.

“What did that cost you? Your faith. Your faith in us. Your faith in yourself. Tell us, why did you leave Starfleet Admiral?”

And many trekkies took to social media to express their concerns.

One wrote: “Watching this I’m a mixture of ridiculously excited and on the verge of tears but tinged with a tiny bit of fear.”

While another feared: “It didn’t give insights into how they’ll write #Picard’s character.

“If they maintain his core traits, (noble, diplomatic, insightful, optimistic, etc.), it could be great.

“But I still fear they will turn one of my all time favourite #StarTrek characters into “Captain Grumpy Cat”.

But on a recent press tour showrunner Alex Kurtzman reassured the franchise’s very zealous fans that the project would stay true to its nature and is run by fellow Trekkies:

““Everybody in that room loves Jean-Luc Picard very deeply, and obviously, the benefit that we have is that Jean-Luc Picard is in the room with us.

“And so, as we’re breaking story, we’re asking ourselves, ‘How do we live to the spirit, and to the character, and for the tone that Next Gen set, but also make it something very, very different in other ways?’ And Patrick was really clear with us from the beginning. He did not want to repeat what he had already done. And by the way, it’s been 20 plus years, so he couldn’t possibly be that same person anymore.”


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