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Fans are seriously confused about Bran Stark's new title on 'Game of Thrones'


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  • The final episode of "Game of Thrones" aired on Sunday.
  • Fans made a lot of jokes about the finale and many of them were about Bran Stark and his new title, Bran the Broken.
  • A lot of fans didn't understand or accept the show's ending and they made plenty of jokes and memes about it. 
  • Spoilers ahead for the series finale of "Game of Thrones."
  • Visit INSIDER's homepage for more stories.

The series finale of "Game of Thrones" aired on Sunday and there were plenty of big moments throughout the episode that had everyone talking

One of the most shocking moments from the finale was when Bran Stark was crowned King of the Six Kingdoms at Tyrion Lannister's suggestion. Tyrion said part of his reason for suggesting Bran as king is that people love stories and Bran has an epic one — he was paralyzed from the waist down after being pushed from a tower, he became the Three-Eyed Raven, and he lived to tell the tale. 

A panel of important leaders in Westeros agreed to give Bran the crown and Tyrion Lannister gave him the title "Bran the Broken," which many fans called ableist and offensive since it seemed to reference and focus on the fact that he is in a wheelchair and implies that fact makes him "broken." 

Read More: Here's every 'Game of Thrones' character on the Westeros council, the ones responsible for that game-changing decision on the series finale

Aside from his problematic title, fans were also disappointed that Bran became king simply because it was so out of character after he had become the Three-Eyed Raven. Since the episode aired, viewers have been making jokes and memes about Bran's new role, especially because he didn't seem to have much interest in ruling beforehand.

Here are some of the most notable reactions about Bran Stark's new title and how he got there. 

A lot of people pointed out that for the past few episodes, Bran had no interest in the throne ... and no interest in even being Brandon Stark


And many said that, given his powers, Bran may have known all along this was going to happen



A lot of viewers couldn't help but wonder how Bran felt about his new title, 'Bran the Broken'


And others took issue with the moniker, calling it ableist and offensive



Some fans had better suggestions




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