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President Trump Calls 'Exceptional' Wife Melania 'My Rock and Foundation' Amid Cheating Scandal


President Donald Trump had nothing but praise for wife Melania in a recent email to supporters, gushing that his third wife is “my rock and foundation” as he continues to face fallout over affair allegations from multiple women.

Supporters of the president received an email from the Trump Make America Great Again Committee with the subject line “My better half” on Sunday, which encouraged them to send well wishes to the first lady ahead of her 48th birthday on April 26.

“This month, our family is looking forward to a very special day. Please join us in celebrating the First Lady and my beautiful, kind-hearted and exceptional wife Melania’s birthday by signing her card,” said President Trump in the email, according to The Telegraph and Newsweek. “Melania is my rock and foundation, and I wouldn’t be the man I am today without her by my side.”

He continued, “She’s the cornerstone of our family, and an incredible mother to our son, Barron. I’m so proud of her accomplishments, and I hope you’ll wish her well on her special day.”


The email contained links to a website where supporters could send their birthday messages to “our elegant and beautiful First Lady.”

President Trump’s history of allegedly cheating on Melania, even after they got married and welcomed son Barron, made headlines earlier this year after reports came out that Trump’s attorney paid porn star Stormy Daniels $130,000 shortly before the 2016 presidential election to keep quiet about their alleged tryst.

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On April 9, news broke that FBI agents had raided the offices of President Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen, to seize records related to the payment. Cohen has admitted making the payment but denies it broke any campaign finance laws.

Trump has repeatedly denied he had a sexual relationship with Daniels, and called the recent raid of Cohen’s offices “a total witch hunt.”

RELATED: Stormy Daniels Sues Trump, Says ‘Hush Agreement’ Is Invalid Because He Never Signed

Former Playboy Playmate Karen McDougal also came forward about her alleged relationship with the former Celebrity Apprentice host that she says began in June 2006 and ended in April 2007.

The White House has repeatedly denied that Trump had affairs both McDougal and Daniels.


Meanwhile, the first couple have recently been putting up a united front in public. The pair were seen holding hands on Easter Sunday as they walked into Bethesda-by-the-Sea Episcopal church in Palm Beach, Florida, for a service.

Trump also spoke highly of his wife the following day as he addressed the thousands who gathered on the White House’s South Lawn for the annual Easter Egg Roll, crediting the former model for helping keep things in “tippy-top” shape.

“I want to really thank the first lady, Melania, who has done an incredible job. She worked so hard on this event, and I so want to thank you,” the president remarked at the beginning of his short speech.


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